School year 2024-2025
Adventures in High School
What can I do for my future?
The Advanced Placement course and exam is an introductory computer science course in JAVA. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving and algorithm development, and is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester college-level course in computer science.
Students will further their understanding of computer programing by learning the Python computer language. We will engage in Virtual Reality using Vizard to make our own world.
Students will understand the components of good Web page design and learn elements of design and layout. They will gain a working knowledge of HTML code, enabling them to create an entire web site writing their own HTML code including text operations, navigation, images, tables, forms, and meta tags.
This course is designed for the student who would like to enhance his/her computer background knowledge to a beginner programmer level. Students will learn concepts of computer coding in a rewarding and fun way. These concepts will allow students to move on to higher levels of computer science such as AP Computer Science with a strong foundation in the basics of computer programming.
In this technology education course, you will design, construct, and program a functioning land rover vehicle. The goals of this handson course include concepts of electrical engineering, electricity, computer coding, fabrication, physics, and the design process.
Elementary Students will explore a Big question using Science Technology Engineering and Math. Students will design a product to deomnstrate the answer to the question. Students will also learn coding concepts throughout the course.